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My name is Brendan and I am currently 27 years old. This is a short summary of how Craniosacral Therapy changed my life. In April of 2015 I bumped my head quite hard playing hockey, which resulted in a serious concussion. As a result of this concussion I would miss over 7 months of work while recovering at home. For the first 5 months of my recovery I visited an endless amount of concussion clinics and spoke with many physicians.  All of them would attempt to provide me with more information on the symptoms I was experiencing. None of these clinics or doctors were ever able to provide me with relief from the day to day headaches that persisted for months.

After much frustration with my concussion I was ready to give up. Almost ready to accept my fate of these headaches never going away.  That was until a close relative recommended that I come speak with Tracy Griffin regarding craniosacral therapy. This day would be one of the biggest turning points of my entire life.

I had never heard of craniosacral therapy before so this was a brand new experience to me. I did not know what to expect. I was very doubtful in the beginning as nothing up until that point had been successful in helping my headaches. This is where Tracy came in and truly was a life saver. From the moment I left my first treatment I knew something was different. After about 5 treatments with Tracy the headaches I had been experiencing for months began to gradually fade away. They did not disappear instantly, but with consistent treatment over 2 months the headaches were FINALLY gone. I was able to live life as I had once known it and finally return to my job.

This concussion was the lowest point in my life. Overcoming this period of mental suffering was the most difficult challenge I have ever conquered.  Through craniosacral therapy & the help of Tracy Griffin, I was able to take control of my life again. I will never be able to thank her enough for this.

If you are suffering from a concussion, I highly recommend starting craniosacral therapy as soon as possible. You will not regret it.



Never have I met another compassionate, authentic and gifted healer. Tracy uses CranioSacral Therapy to help her clients heal, but it is so much more. What she does is different - she delves deep into your soul and brings forth a beautiful healing energy that is soft, gentle and yet powerful. Her gifts are truly magnificent. Within a few treatments, my severe concussion symptoms were completely gone. I have been to other CranioSacral therapists, but her treatments have been the only ones that have truly healed my symptoms. I am so grateful to Tracy for how she has helped me heal. Without her treatments, I would still be in severe pain. With her, it is not just CranioSacral therapy. It is the magnificence that she brings to CranioSacral therapy. 


I want to start by saying that if you are thinking about exploring Craniosacral Therapy as a treatment option. PLEASE do it for yourself!  

I have had the most unbelievable healing occur with Tracy Griffin and Craniosacral Therapy.

In 2000 I had a low back injury.  It was horrible.  I was off of work and in pain for over 3 months, as I did physio, laser, ultrasound, massage etc. Etc. etc. I began to give up hope.  I didn’t even remember what it was like to be normal.  Tracy had just returned from taking a course in Texas and wanted to practice her new learning on me.  I was in such discomfort that I didn’t even want to get out of bed, (and I was skeptic) but I accepted her offer.  I don’t remember much about the treatment only that I thought it was interesting as she explained what craniosacral therapy was. I went back to my bed after the treatment. I woke up the next day, and……it was a MIRACLE!! I had NO pain….it was like nothing was ever wrong with me!! I was so in shock/happy/dumbfounded/relieved!!  I was back to work and back to living!!
And there’s more……I spent most of my twenties with random swelling in my right foot, it would come and go, I had different tests and treatments but nothing was found.  It was a mystery.  When I became pregnant in 2005, BOTH my feet and ankles had swollen to a horrible size…they remained severely swollen even months after I had my daughter.  I made the drive down to Oak Ridges to see Tracy for a craniosacral treatment.  Once again…MIRACLE!! I woke up the next day with normal looking feet! And did again the next day, and the next day!   About 9 months after that treatment, my right foot was swollen again.  I saw Tracy again for Cranio….That was in July 0f 2006.  I’ve never had the swelling again. Ever.

I live a few hours away so I’ve seen Tracy very sporadically over the years.  But each and every time, I have come away with a gift.  Tracy Griffin is a genuine loving soul and is a gifted therapist. She is a true healer and I am so thankful for the many ways she has facilitated healing for me over the last 2 decades.

Vicki H.
Midland Ontario

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