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CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral is truly amazing. I've seen chronic pain gone after one treatment, concussion pain gone, edema gone. Sometimes it's with one treatment, most conditions need at least 3-6.
  Cranio is about following the tissues, allowing the body to guide you to the location of another layer that must be released.
Cranio is about listening within to the innate wisdom of your higher self, it's about letting go of all of the holding patterns in your body that are no longer wanted or needed.
It's about allowing your body to return to it's natural, unobstructed flow. 

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep within the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. It was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University where he served as professor of biomechanics. He went on to open the Upledger Institute which continues to facilitate workshops all over the world, teaching thousands of therapists this unique healing modality.


CranioSacral is a light touch therapy that releases restrictions deep within the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole body health and performance. CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and it's effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.


How CranioSacral Therapy Works

Few structures have as much influence over the body's ability to function properly as the brain and spinal cord that make up the central nervous system. And, the central nervous system is heavily influenced by the craniosacral system  which includes the membranes and fluid that surround, protect and nourish the brain and spinal cord.

Every day your body endures stresses and strains and your body absorbs them. Unfortunately, these changes often cause body tissues to tighten and distort the craniosacral system. These distortions can then cause tension to form around the brain and spinal cord resulting in restrictions. This can create a barrier to the healthy performance of the central nervous system, and potentially every other system it interacts with.

Fortunately, such restrictions can be detected and corrected using simple methods of touch. With a light touch, the CST practitioner uses his or her hands to evaluate the craniosacral system by gently feeling various locations of the body to test for the ease of motion and rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid pulsing around the brain and spinal cord. Soft-touch techniques are then used to release restrictions in any tissues influencing the craniosacral system.

By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body's ability to self-correct, CranioSacral Therapy is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke and neurological impairment.

Massage Therapy
I graduated from the Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy in 1996 and have been practicing Massage Therapy ever since.
It's a wonderful therapy with many benefits.
It's the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, the muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue and joints to enhance your health and well-being. 
It relieves stress, it relieves pain. 
It improves quality of life and reduces muscle tension. Therefore you sleep better, feel better and at the same time you are increasing your quality of life. To boot, it boosts your immune system and flushes toxins into your lymphatic system which eliminates waste products from your body. 
It relieves headaches, all muscular and soft tissue pain, neck, shoulder, low back, hip, arms and leg pain and tension, and so much more. 
And it feels great
Don't let small pains become serious. 
Pain = Pay Attention Inward Now
                SomatoEmotional Release
SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is a therapeutic process that uses and expands on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy to rid your body and mind of  the emotional energy from past traumas, injuries and negative experiences. 
For more information on this subject, please visit
The Upledger Institute provides training and certification for therapists worldwide.
Other healing modalities I have learned over the last 20 something years:
Yoga Energetics
Zen Kiatsu
Therapeutic Touch 1&2
Angel Therapy
Pediatric CranioSacral
SomatoEmotional Release
Energy Medicine
Intuitive Healing
Crystal Healing
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is an ancient Japanese healing technique. This healing modality is safe, natural and gentle, and leaves you feeling renewed and refreshed.  Reiki energy releases energetic blockages in the body’s meridians and restores energy to areas that are depleted. It is particularly helpful for assisting the body’s natural healing abilities, reducing pain and stress, increasing vitality, inducing relaxation and generally giving one a sense of balance and connection to oneself.  Reiki is safe to use in conjunction with and compliments other medical treatments, healing methods and therapies.
Energy is everywhere, reacting from inside and outside of our bodies. Reiki aids in the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Reiki treatments help activate the body’s chakras to remove blockages in the body. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s ability to heal itself is enhanced. Reiki heals by flowing through these blockages in the body where negative feelings are attached, charging them with positive energy, and causing the negative energy to dissipate, filling your body with universal light energy. 
After graduating from massage therapy I wasn't really a believer in energy healing. You could pursue the sports side of massage or the energy way. I was running towards the sports side but was always drawn back to energy in some way. It's been a wonderful journey awakening to the frequencies not felt consciously by many. Its been amazing
connecting with source energy, and learning how to share it with all of you. 


On a trip to California in 2004 I had a life changing experience with a beautiful woman I met. I was doing a treatment with my cranio TA/friend Scott when he asked me to scan the clients energy body. I was familiar with energy but had ever really tuned into it above the body. So scan it I did as an eager student would. 

I didn't believe in energy and the benefits when I was younger so what I felt truly surprised me. I scanned her body and felt heat over her knees, heat over her pelvic region and nausea over her throat. Well she had given birth in the 70's in California and at that time they restrained women while giving birth, so that explained her pelvic pain, and her throat emotional residue was from an attempted strangulation from her ex husband years prior. I was blow away, saddened and excited.

We removed all of the energy residue with energy healing and CranioSacral Therapy that day. 

I returned to Ontario and continued my studies.

Many years of personal growth, healing, and learning ensued.

In October of 2015, after many years of study,  I received my Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master certificate, so I can share this beautiful gift

with all of you. 

Update April 2021 Completed Reiki Master training again under

Kim Wuirch with Employed by Angels.

You can never learn too much. 

What an enlightening course. Forever grateful. 

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